Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Style Steal: Pandora Birthstone Rings

Finding high street alternatives to the brands we know and want to own is almost becoming a game to me. If I spot something that looks identical to an item advertised in one of the countless glossies I read, I either buy it (rarely) or take a picture of it for this blog (most likely). Why? Because it's a style steal - the same style for a fraction of the price. Although, given the choice, I would of course love to buy the designer item itself.

I recently found some rings in a high street store that look exactly the same to the more up-market option - the birthstone rings by Pandora. They come in a different colour for each month and the metal has a nice ropey look to it.

The Matalan rings (£6 for a pack of 3): 

Pandora Birthstone Ring (£40):

The Matalan alternative may not be sterling silver but I've had a lot of wear out of the rings already, and there has been no off-colouring of the metal which makes the rings a definite style steal.

If you're interested in my other Style Steals, click here. More coming soon!

- A.T.

1 comment:

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