About Me

I am a twenty-three year old marketing professional working for a luxury fashion brand in London, UK. Originally from West Yorkshire, I graduated with a degree in American Studies from the University of Nottingham. My third year of study was spent abroad at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States.

This is my personal blog used as an outlet for my views on fashion, whether it be industry news or seasonal trends.

Hear about how I got involved in writing below...

I'd been wanting to find my feet in writing for a long time and wasn't quite sure how to get involved - I had no writing experience, no contacts. This all changed during my year abroad. The year was a whirlwind not only in terms of the new experiences and amazing friendships I made, but also with the opportunities I was faced with. I started as a News Editorial Intern for Her Campus Illinois which gave me my first shot at writing articles; I was on two committees for University of Illinois College Fashion Week, helping with social media, advertising and fundraising for the event as well as being an ambassador for my sorority house; I got to walk in the College Fashion Week main runway event which was an exceptional privilege seeing as I modeled two outfits designed by GOCA designs who showcased at New York Fashion Week last year; I also got picked as 'Fashionista of the Week' resulting in me being featured in an article for College Fashionista. All of this, along with being surrounded by girls who are doing exceptionally well based on their age, helped me find my feet in writing and gave me a clearer direction about pursuing a career in fashion. I learnt so much in the 10 months that I was at Illinois and feel so grateful to have met every person that I did along the way. I found a new outlook on how to get where you want without having everything given to you, and how the simple things like keeping in touch with someone you met briefly could take you a long way in the future. I found so much inspiration for the future and this spurred me on to finally create my own blog so that I could express my ideas in my own way.

I'm was also very happy that I achieved my New Year's resolutions for 2012. I usually don't bother coming up with any but in 2012 I decided to aim to get an internship and set up my own blog. I achieved both of these before we reached halfway through the year.

Now, I'm enjoying working in marketing for a luxury brand that I adore and am taking on every opportunity that comes my way. As for what I'll do next, watch this space!

- A.T.