Sunday, August 4, 2013

Taking a break

Due to me embarking on a two month internship and moving from my sister's couch to friend's couch to boyfriend's spare room and so on, I'm going to take the next couple of months out from my blog, as I won't be able to devote the time each evening. See you in a couple of months!

- A.T.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hump Day Treat

The Rise of the Fashion Sweatshirt

For the fashion boff in me, this article proved very interesting (yes, I'm linking you up to Business of Fashion again). It's about the rise of sweatshirts being worn in day-to-day fashion -- but think further than the image of the plain sweater you own that just popped into your head. Designers and editors alike agree that the best sweatshirts are those that have something about them, whether it be a quirky design or interesting embellishment. 

I adore the Kenzo jumper below, and actually stumbled across an ASOS equivalent for those of you interested. In fact, ASOS have got a whole feature on fashion sweatshirts right now - entitled "The Souped-Up Sweatshirt". They're bang on the pulse of what's on trend, as per usual. As BoF says, all hail the "statement sweatshirt." Love the phrase. Love the sweatshirts. Love anything 'statement'.

- A.T.

Monday, July 22, 2013

What Goes Around Comes Around: 1960s Trend Revival

Fashion is always retro, but always on the basis of the abolition of the passé (the past): the spectral death and resurrection of forms. Its proper actuality (its 'up-to-dateness', its 'relevance') is not a reference to the present, but an immediate and total recycling.
JEAN BAUDRILLARD, Symbolic Exchange and Death

Jean Baudrillard hit the nail on the head. Fashion is total recycling. How many times have you worn a trend and your mother, for example, has said 'that used to be in fashion when I was young'? Think about it. Many times. 

In reality, some trends are meant to stay in the past - I look back at the trouser-skirts I wore in the 90s and shudder - but I'm very open to trying out recycled trends. I prefer not to call them 'recycled' though, I think 'revival', or 'reawakening', or 'revitalisation' are more accurate. I could go on and on. With this revitalisation of trends happening more or less every year, there's bound to be one that we all love in particular. And this is what the current 1960s trend revival is for me. I've got 1960s fever; a longing to be part of the sixties scene. 

What's not to love? The 1960s trend revival encompasses more than just a knee length swing skirt or an a-line hem, it means bright colours, bold prints, cat-eye shades, and looking oh-so-fabulous all at the same time. I don't care if it's been done before - revivals happen for a reason, and this one is so that we can all enjoy what those youth of the sixties did: fabulous shapes, prints and colours. 

I've scoured the internet and compiled lists of my three favourite elements to 1960s fashion - all items are available right now, either online or in store. Most of these items are on my current wishlist (emphasis on wish).

1. Topshop, £70
2. Alice & Olivia, £180
3. Motel, £35
4. Miss Selfridge, £25
5. Forever 21, £10
6. Miss Selfridge, £35
1. ASOS, £35
2. Topshop, £55
3. Next, £28
4. Mango, £64.99
5. Michael Kors, £120
6. Zara, £59.99

1. MSGM, £290
2. Topshop, £20
3. ASOS, 18
4. Louis Vuitton, £750
5. Louis Vuitton, £2,150
6. ASOS, £52
7. M Missoni, £350

Want to channel the 1960s vibe? I hope I've convinced you. If not, take a look at this webpage focused on the 1960s in fashion to see key designers, looks and styles. Feel free to share any comments/ queries about the products and the trend itself.

- A.T.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hump Day Treat

Brace yourself for AW13

If you've so much as put one foot inside a shopping centre or wandered down your local high street lately, you'll have seen one thing: an abundance of sale signs in the majority of clothing shops. Sadly, it's time to toss out the summer garments and make space for the new AW13 season. Personally, it's my favourite season in terms of fashion. I enjoy dressing for Autumn more than Summer as I feel there's more space to be sartorially savvy.

Business of Fashion have compiled their 'Top 10 Campaigns of the Season' list but I think they're missing one major player for this season: Mulberry. Starring the ubiquitous Cara Delevigne and a height-of-Autumn woodland setting, photographer Tim Walker brings the wilderness indoors and captures the beauty and ethos of the new collection perfectly, making the campaign one of my favourites for AW13.

I was wowed by their LFW catwalk show and wish I could fill up my wardrobe with their AW13 collection. It'ss got all my favourite Autumn-y things thrown into the mix: neutral-to-dark hues, animal prints, and lots of leather. Check out behind-the-scenes from the shooting of the campaign here.

- A.T.

Style Steal: Pandora Birthstone Rings

Finding high street alternatives to the brands we know and want to own is almost becoming a game to me. If I spot something that looks identical to an item advertised in one of the countless glossies I read, I either buy it (rarely) or take a picture of it for this blog (most likely). Why? Because it's a style steal - the same style for a fraction of the price. Although, given the choice, I would of course love to buy the designer item itself.

I recently found some rings in a high street store that look exactly the same to the more up-market option - the birthstone rings by Pandora. They come in a different colour for each month and the metal has a nice ropey look to it.

The Matalan rings (£6 for a pack of 3): 

Pandora Birthstone Ring (£40):

The Matalan alternative may not be sterling silver but I've had a lot of wear out of the rings already, and there has been no off-colouring of the metal which makes the rings a definite style steal.

If you're interested in my other Style Steals, click here. More coming soon!

- A.T.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hump Day Treat

Victoria's Secret due to open in Leeds, Autumn 2013

I am so excited to share this week's Hump Day Treat as it's a fantastic piece of news (but only for those of you living in West Yorkshire).

I'm obsessed with Victoria's Secret and their PINK collection like many others, and it pained me that when I came back to the UK from my year in the US, there were no Victoria's Secret stores here. Alas, one opened in London, but I don't get to London as much as I'd like. It's now been announced the second UK store will be opening in the Trinity Leeds shopping centre this autumn, though. Go crazy; tell everyone, and get to the store opening - I know I will be!

- A.T.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hump Day Treat

I haven't posted a recipe for my weekly Hump Day Treats yet so today is THE day.

With it being summer and our more health-conscious sides coming out, it's always good to know a recipe that sneakily embodies an unhealthy taste and feel, but in actuality is not too bad.

So, the product: cookie dough butter! I know this will go down a treat because A) everyone loves cookie dough and B) who wouldn't want to snack on it? Think Ben and Jerry's cookie dough but fresher and sweeter. And hella less carby.

The recipe for this promises to be low carb and gluten free, and contains cinnamon which is amazing for your metabolism - as well as adding that peculiar but amazing taste.

Click on the picture below for the wonder-recipe itself and step-by-step guide, and also check out other great recipes from Girl Gone Country. Enjoy!

- A.T.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Tried & Tested: The Thigh Split Trend

Not too long ago I wrote a post on here about thigh split maxi skirts/ dresses. I'm still as obsessed now as I was a month ago and actually had the chance to try out the trend at my graduation ball a couple of weeks ago.

The dress: 

ASOS, £40

My take on it:

I wore the dress with neutral make-up and gold accessories. I felt that the dress was the focal point and so I didn't need heavy accessories or makeup that would look garish or draw away from the dress. I went for neutral, bronzed makeup using my Benefit Away We Glow make-up set.

Pictures from the night:

I took a lot of pictures and it was a really fun night. I got a tonne of compliments on the dress, too. The only warning I would give is the dress isn't particularly bloat-friendly, so I was lucky to get away with a three course meal and drinks - be wary if you are buying the dress for an occasion which involves a meal.

(Excuse the terrible quality of my iPhone camera..)

I felt great wearing this dress and can't wait to wear it to a formal occasion again in the near future. It is still in stock on the ASOS website for those of you interested. Overall verdict: make sure you join in with the thigh-split trend at some point this year, but don't overdo the split...

- A.T.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Passing the Torch & Sealing the Chapter

As it's the last day of June, I've been reflecting all day on what a strange month it has been. It has been great in so many ways, but strange because it made me realise that the past 9 months have flown by way too quickly.

This month I got my degree result, had many 'lasts' in Nottingham (nights out, last work shift, trip to the library, drink at the SU bar...), and I also had to face the slow realisation that this was it. My 4 years at the University of Nottingham had come to an end. It has been an amazing 4 years and I wouldn't change a single thing about my experience. My year abroad was also an incredible cherry on top of a diligently iced cake.

Another thing that occurred was that Maddie and I, who founded Her Campus Nottingham and managed kept it going all year, met with the new Co-Editor-in-Chiefs and Head of Publicity & Social Media. We had a nice lunch with them whilst discussing the ins-and-outs of their duties, what it takes to keep HC Nottingham going, and future plans for the year ahead. We also gave them some presents that we have no use for anymore (including a brand new HC banner, shown in the picture below.)

This meeting was the point at which I realised that things in Nottingham were coming to an end. I'd been in the comfort of my position all year, and suddenly had the realisation that HC Nottingham was now out of my and Maddie's hands. I think we did a great job though, and couldn't have done it without an enthusiastic and talented team. I'm looking forward to seeing HC Nottingham grow next year and will probably check the website regularly, like a mother looking out for her chicks!

Meeting with the new exec of HC Nottingham was only one of several things this month to bring out my sentimental side. Going out or heading to the park in the sun meant that I was spending some precious last hours in Nottingham with friends new and old, and even though we will keep in touch and see each other in the future, Nottingham will no longer be our playground.

Settling in at home hasn't been nearly as bad as I imagined - although my university bed is 100% irreplaceable. It has almost been a week and instead of hiding under my bed-covers everyday, I've been relatively active and doing research into possible ventures or career paths. I can't sit still for too long - that's my problem!

How would I describe my degree at Nottingham in one phrase? Life-changing. As that chapter closes with my graduation on July 9th, I'm already raring to go with the next chapter. As my parents have said, I'm like a boomerang - I never stay at home for TOO long. Where will the next stop be - London? South America? New Zealand? I'm excited to get planning.

- A.T.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hump Day Treat

I thought another inspirational quote was in order this week as we approach the end of the month (where have the past 6 months gone, by the way?)

This quote will serve as a source of comfort for me in the next few months. It's time to start making decisions -- and fast!

- A.T.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Leaving the Dark Ages

The internet at my university house unexpectedly stopped a day or so after my previous post - we only had a 9 month contract for the school year & it lived its course - so I have been left without internet for the past week or so, which is why there haven't been any new posts. I do not cope well without internet - hence the dramatic post name.

I left university and moved home yesterday though so I'm now back in the modern world and able to post on here!

- A.T.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Style Steal: Manolo Blahnik 'Chaos Cuff' Sandal

The time has come for another style steal post where I find high street alternatives to designer items. I'm sure that most of you will recognise this one instantaneously.

I've been obsessed with these strappy Manolo's ever since seeing a picture of Rihanna wearing them. Then, to my surprise (and delight), high street stores cottoned on and started producing their own. ASOS and River Island have brought out their own takes on the shoe in various colours, and Rihanna's collection for River Island even has some Manolo-inspired sandals - it's safe to say she loves the shoe style.

As nice as the sandals at these stores are, I didn't want to depart with £40+ just to get in on the trend - that's what being a student does to you. However, I was shopping in Primark, arguably an unlikely place to sell some nice heeled shoes, and I found a pair of Manolo-esque heels. Priced at £12, I couldn't say no. They are really good quality and don't look cheap, either.

Primark heeled sandals (£12):

Manolo Blahnik 'Chaos Cuff' sandal (£445):

Noticeable differences are the width of the strap across the foot and the heel height. These are minor differences though, and what both the actual Manolo's and the Primark heels have in common is that they are really flattering for the legs and feet. No matter your height or size, Manolo-inspired heeled sandals are a must buy and an ubiquitous trend, restricted to no one! Track them down on the high street, try them on and tell me if you disagree.

- A.T.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hump Day Treat

I'm always looking for new reads and stumbled across a news article promoting Alexa Chung's new book -  It. At first I presumed it would be a style-bible but the book is said to be a collection of her favourite photographs and drawings (I'm surely not the only person to think that a title like It is rather ambiguous though?). Amazon have said the book will include "her thoughts on life, love and music to her favourite looks and how to decide what to wear in the morning." We still have a while to wait, however, as the book's release date is set as September 5 of this year - there is a pre-order option available on though.

I'm personally looking forward to what she places among the pages - Chung is at the vanguard of fashion and I appreciate her distinct style; I'm always looking for fashion inspiration and she qualifies for that. Plus, I absolutely love the cover. Let's hope the book itself is as pleasing!

- A.T.

Monday, June 10, 2013

My Running & Fitness Wishlist

Well, this post is a first. I'm accustomed to doing wishlists for clothes, but I've never done one for sportswear. I felt the need to make one because about two weeks ago I finally braved it and went on my first run in Nottingham. This involved me forcing myself onto the street and exposing my 'flustered and sweaty' look to any members of the public who were unfortunate enough to pass me. That and the fact that I find it really hard to run when I'm not on a treadmill.

The first run was a great success and I've been about 5 times since. It doesn't seem a lot but it's a great achievement for me! I'm doing the running for fitness, not weight loss, so hopefully I'll feel myself slowly improving over time; I managed to run a 5k Race for Life on June 2 so I'm probably better than I give myself credit for! I'm also boosted by magazines focusing on fitness and running lately (namely, ELLE), so they're a source of inspiration also.

So, the time has come for a wishlist. I tend to throw on one of the numerous t-shirts I got whilst studying in America - look out for me in 'ILLINOIS' t-shirts in a variety of colours - and a pair of leggings or shorts but, if money permitted me, I would kit myself out properly with this wishlist I've compiled.

1. Women’s Stow-n-Go sports bra, North Face, £35 
2. Water Bottle, Victoria’sSecret PINK, £9
3. Functional jacket, H&M, £29.99
4. Incase sports armband for Ipod Classic, Apple, £24.95
5. Free Run 3 Shield ID women’s running shoes, Nike, £115
6. Women’s studio performance singlet, Adidas by StellaMcCartney, £60
7. Fearless capri’s, Sweaty Betty, £65
8. SIE2 sport headphones, Bose, £104.95
9. Sports bra, H&M, £29.99
10. Essentials studded sweatshirt, Adidas by Stella McCartney, £90
11. Sports shorts, H&M, £7.99

What are your running essentials? Let me know!

- A.T.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Let's connect

Here's a reminder of other ways we can connect...

Pinterest: sequinsglitter
Twitter: @AnnaTeale
Instagram: annateale

It would be great to see some new followers and to link with other bloggers!

- A.T.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Trend To Try: Mid-Finger Rings

I'm completely in love with the mid-finger ring - aka "midi ring" - trend. I've noticed that more shops have started selling them throughout the year which is great for us! As with bangles and bracelets, midi rings are perfectly stackable and are a stylish addition to any outfit, transcending day into night. I love the way they look so delicate yet add an edgy finishing touch.

Here are some pretty (and affordable) midi rings I found online:

Forget having a statement ring - midi rings are all about the plentiful, so stack them up to your heart's desire. Try this trend now - there's a new definition of finger swag, and we all should want in.

- A.T.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hump Day Treat


Today I came across a startling discovery - ASOS are now starting to stock Primark clothes. You probably know that Primark have always been strictly high-street, and many a time I have suffered from the frustration of going onto their website only to find that there are no clothes on there. It seems strange to have such a successful high street shop without its stock online - especially in the current state of technology and social media. Perhaps it would be impossible to put everything online, especially with their quick turnaround of stock. Although Forever 21 manage it . . .

Click on the picture below to see the items that ASOS have on the site at the moment. There are only 22 items listed, and despite much speculation about whether this is due to increase, Primark have said that the partnership with ASOS is a trial and, as such, is "very limited."

Does this mean that Primark is slowly transitioning to 'etail'? Time will tell. I'm not sure they need to - although it would be helpful for the odd stressful day when the last thing I want to do is get stuck into the clothes jungle that is the Primark shop floor. One thing's for sure though - ASOS have got so many things under their belt at the moment. I think Primark is a great string to add to their bow.

- A.T.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

To tie-dye or not to tie-dye?

When I discovered that tie-dye was making a comeback for spring/summer, I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. My first thought was 'oh god no'; I remember wearing brightly coloured tie-dye t-shirts as a child and only ever looking back with regret. My second thought was that surely only the sartorially challenged would go for tie-dye. However, my opinion has changed. I've found some tie-dye items that actually look really cool and that I'm tempted to add to my wardrobe.

I think the key with tie-dye is to wear it right and choose colours that will look good. I'm not a fan of the rainbow-coloured tie-dye items as I feel that those are the types of clothes we wore back in the 90s - and, for me at least, when I was a kid.

I've thrown together a tie-dye mood board with my favourite finds from internet fashion sites. Tie-dye can look subtle and sophisticated, so the thing to remember is to keep the colour scheme to one or two colours and to avoid garish colour palettes.

There are some trends that should be left in the decades they first surfaced - this was my original thought on tie-dye, but I'm now thinking that tie-dye and summer will go hand-in-hand perfectly this year. It was a major part of Versace's catwalk event showcasing their S/S 2013 collection, so we can't argue with what such fashion powerhouses dictate. Tie-dye doesn't have to mean dressing hippy-esque and certainly shouldn't be confined to just festivals. It's a throwback, but one I feel we can embrace. My verdict: to tie-dye.

- A.T.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hump Day Treat

Today is a big day for me. I take my final exam of my 4th year at university . . . and so finish my degree simultaneously. No more deadlines; no more coursework.

And breathe...!

I thought the best kind of Hump Day Treat I could offer today would be an inspirational quote - I know I need one and hopefully it'll pick up your spirits too as we reach mid-week!

Happy Hump Day to all.

- A.T.

Monday, May 27, 2013

This week I'm loving...

Thigh-split maxi skirts/ dresses

I get a huge amount of wardrobe inspiration from Pinterest, and this week I noticed that I'd been drawn to pinning a lot of thigh-split maxi skirts and dresses (we can thank Angelina Jolie's left leg for kick-starting this growing trend). They are the ultimate item for summer: showing a little bit of leg and thigh but tailoring the rest of the outfit to not give everything away. I also noticed how figure-flattering a lot of the dresses were. Here are my favourite finds:

I know that ASOS have a great collection of thigh-split maxi skirts and dresses at the moment, and I've actually purchased one of their dresses for an upcoming graduation ball (pictures soon!) Whether you choose bold colours or go for neutrals, a thigh-split maxi skirt/ dress should definitely be a staple for your wardrobe this summer. Here are some suggestions:



Having the thigh-split makes you feel and look incredibly good without having to show off loads of skin - who doesn't want that? I recommend.

- A.T.